Delayed cooldown screen after ride

The latest versions of TDA and TDA Beta have introduced a delay showing the Cooldown/Save ride screen after having finished a video.
This delay varies between 2-10 seconds. 

Basically what you see is the last frame of the video for X-seconds before Cooldown/Save ride screen. It feels like your pc has frozen and it's confusing and annoying.
Perhaps this was accidently introduced after the change in which way rides are saved nowadays?

It would be great the Cooldown screen can be shown directly after finishing a ride again.

TDA Beta

  • Hi Peter, 

    Thanks for reporting this, we will investigate the issue.

  • Unfortunately we were not able to reproduce this issue. Could you send over the log files so we can investigate those? Thank you!

  • Sure. Do I email them or... ?

    I still experience this delay every time when I finish a ride. The delay seems to increase in correlation to the length/time of the ride.
    The order in which this happens:

    • The last frame of the video is shown
    • Screen freezes for X-seconds stuck on last frame of video. Nothing on the screen is updating (time, power numbers etc. all frozen)
    • After a randomly X-seconds the expected cooldown-screen appears. (The amount of delay seem to increase with the length/time of the ride - like it's processing something, or generating the activity file?)
    • After some seconds or minutes I click "save ride"

    As I'm very curious I looked through the logs myself but was never able to find evidence for this delay/freeze.
    I analyzed 3 rides and they look more or less like this:

    484|2025-01-06T17:25:33.4254292+00:00|ERROR|30|LiveOpponentsOnWorkoutCountService|A stream was closed but should still be read, restarting in 3 seconds...
    485|2025-01-06T17:25:36.6681389+00:00|INFO|99|LiveOpponentsOnWorkoutCountService|Successfully restarted the stream!
    486|2025-01-06T17:28:52.1205288+00:00|INFO|100|VideoControl|Playback state changed to: Paused
    489|2025-01-06T17:29:05.9716318+00:00|INFO|2|CooldownPanel|Activity saved by the user
    490|2025-01-06T17:29:05.9716318+00:00|INFO|70|RaceService|Current Time: 00:55:21.3959457 --- Current distance: 30450.93359375

    Another sample:

    664|2025-01-02T09:58:18.1938446+00:00|INFO|101|LiveOpponentsService|Live opponents : Mp state changed : Joined
    665|2025-01-02T10:05:00.3919909+00:00|INFO|106|VideoControl|Playback state changed to: Paused
    668|2025-01-02T10:05:18.1191310+00:00|INFO|2|CooldownPanel|Activity saved by the user
    669|2025-01-02T10:05:18.1347593+00:00|INFO|116|RaceService|Current Time: 01:22:17.0771925  ---  Current distance: 43313.3203125

    I would expect additional events between 486-489. The numbering ALWAYS seem to skip 2 records/lines. Can  I enable some kind of verbose logging to get even more information? :)