Film Testing Priority October

Please if you can ride anything from Australia or NewZealand & give some feedback

T2068.64 049_Alpine Way Climb - Dead Horse Gap (Australia)
T2068.63 023_Lake Hume Loop 2 (Australia)
T2068.62 023_Lake Hume Loop 1 (Australia)
T2068.61 015_Mt_Buffalo (Australia)
T2068.60 025_Border Loop 2 (Australia)
T2068.59 025_Border Loop 1 (Australia)
T2068.58 014_Mt Hotham (Australia)
T2068.57 017_Lake Mountain (Australia)
T2068.50 048_To_Isengard (New Zealand)
T2068.49 036 Taramakau Valley (New Zealand)
T2068.48 018 Tongariro Volcano (New Zealand)
T2068.47 039 Lake Pukaki to Mt Cook Village (New Zealand)
T2068.46 024 Otago Peninsula (New Zealand)
T2068.45 029 Taylor Redwood Pass (New Zealand)
T2068.44 002 Karioi Classic (New Zealand)
T2068.43 068 Kaikoura (New Zealand)
  • Hey Phil, any specific kind of feedback you're looking for?
    Or general weirdness and/or issues?

  • Any feedback is better then nothing Peter :-), main ones are the following (best ride with a notepad/pen to not the distance)

    • Main one - does it work!!!  :-)
    • Are the grades in sync, or grade oddities (like top of a hill in the film that keeps on going up in the data)
    • Sudden skips in the film (often on descents with tight corners) 
    • Road feeling starting & stopping out of line
    • Altitude starting at 0m (all rides start above the sea even if filmed in NL so if a ride starts at 0m then its a bug)
    • Missing climb KOMs 
    • missing road feeling.

    Its also really good to hear if you liked a particular film..or disliked one! 

  • The final 5 films will be publishing in the next 2-3days, so all the rides in this list should be available...if not after 4 days please let me know 

  • Thanks for the list. I cycled a few from that list already, but never took any notes. Will do that from now on and report back in this topic ;)

    I tend to try to cycle every new movie, but it's hard to keep up nowadays with all those new movies and the recently added Japan-Taiwan challenge :P
    I remember doing Karioi Classic which was great. Combination of distance, profile and elevation was perfect, scenery was beautiful.

  • Yes there are lot just now, but this will change as we move deeper into the winter, looking at the list I see just another 12 rides to bring us all the way to Beta...its nice to have almost everything either in Beta or near it :-) 

  • After finishing the Japan-Taiwan tour I finally have time to ride some more of these.

    I rode 048_To_Isengard which was perfect. I can't give this any less than 5/5 stars!
    Amazing views, lots of different surroundings during the ride. Plenty of fresh roadkill too :D
    I cycled this on my big screen so I was able to see all the details. Ohhh I'd love to see this in 4K...

    Very high quality video. I didn't notice anything irregular. And I didn't notice any cuts which is awesome!
    Fun profile, proper length and resistance felt good/natural.
    The only things I could think of which can be improved:
    1) add segments for the climbs
    2) add some road feel on the (very) small gravel parts in the beginning when you let cars go by.

    I enjoyed every second of this ride and it will certainly go into my favs!

  • Hi Peter, thanks a lot for the very nice feedback, if you liked this one then I think you will for sure really like some of the other ones filmed in NZ, I thought this one was filmed a little too long in the shade but I really liked the profile so happy you mentioned you enjoyed this.  Ive updated it this morning, added KOMs for the 6 longer hills & the two small gravel bits, also cleaned up the grades a fair bit so the whole thing should feel a little more realistic. 

    Update is v2 

  • Paris Triathlon is also a priority - v5 of this has a fairly big update today, it should run a lot smoother & hopefully the very many roadfeel sections start & stop in roughly the right spots. Issue can be that if your going too fast road feel might not turn on or off if there is a section thats consectutive..with a section of tarmac for example thats too short

  • Hola. Nunca he tomado notas de las rutas que iba haciendo, lo haré a partir de ahora.

    El día 20 hice v3 Paris Triathlon 2023, fue todo bien pero note lo que he notado en todas las que he hecho últimamente, hay un pequeño desajuste entre la resistencia con el video, quiero decir que, por ejemplo, voy subiendo con una resistencia y al terminar la subida con el video, y claramente se ve que empiezo a bajar, pero la resistencia sigue por unos metros. También hay veces que la sensación de carretera no se nota.

    Esta tarde, si puedo haré la de Isengard.

  • Hi Patxi  all the road feeling possitions were changed with v6 so hopefully they now all work. For grades, Ive taken a look today at the data & it all looks good to my eye breifly scanning the tops of the hills, I think if you say its just a few meters then its probably due to the higher then normal filming speed & the sample rate of the data. We are going at about 10m-15meters every second so with a datarate of 1 second there is some space for a bit of a lag. Especially if your riding it at a fairly normal speed rather then flat out. Its why normally (hopefully) on climbing films made with Berher the grades should feel spot on as the sample rate per meter covered is much higher when going slow ;-). But if anyone does spot an obvious slope error I can fix this easily if I have an idea of the location ;-).