Favourite Heart

I have found that you cannot deselect a film that has been selected as a Favourite. If you select the film and click on the heart it turns from solid to clear but still appears on the dashboard. Go back into the film again and the heart has returned to solid.

  • I can't reproduce this identically on the Mac version (however see below) (1.24.11 (54)) but the entire way the dashboard works seems to be messy. If I understand what is happening correctly, every time you click the dashboard button it downloads the previous ride data from Tacx's servers. This feels like it takes ages, it isn't my connection speed, current 220 Mbps so I blame Tacx's servers for the slow response. Maybe when you update the favourites the information isn't getting through to the servers quickly enough?

    I've also noticed that if you select a film as a favourite from the dashboard, the favourite workout window does not update until you choose another option.

    You need to select films and what I originally saw was that the film I've selected is not shown as a favourite

    However one I'd selected earlier trying to reproduce your problem IS still shown as a favourite!

    Checking the dashboard again, nothing is shown as a favourite

    Going back to the film tab and filtering my favourites shows these results which do not correspond to the same favourites shown earlier (should be three Trans Ardennes, and the Vosges shown above) and none of these have the heart icon filled.

    So although I can't strictly reproduce your observations there is something wrong with the favourites.

  • I have found today that the only way to deselect favourites is to shut down TDA (W10) and restart it after making the changes. Whatever changes you make will show after a restart.