Fitness Test

Would be more entertaining IF would be possible to "link" during a fitness test a RLV, e.g.  isn't it?

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  • I used to nag for this feature a lot some years ago. It's pretty straightforward to have a virtual speed-based Ergometer workout inside the video part of the software.  The fundamental code for this is already present, functioning as a "Demo Mode," which is, in effect, already an ergometer-based player.  All that is needed is for the profile to display the workout (or ramp test) protocol rather then the hills and for the break to be controlled by the workout protocol rather than the grade. The grade should be used solely for the calculation of virtual speed & video frame rate. 
    The result would be a brilliant way to switch dynamically from RLV to Ergometer mode on a long climb...hit a button & your then fed 200watts or whatever it is that is the aim of your days workout....your still pushing 200watts & thus you can still do the same mountain along with other riders doing the real world 'slope protocol' of all the RLVs, its not cheating as you have to deliver the watts with both slope or ergometer still hurts you the same. You could do Ramp tests using real roads to warm up; imagine the foot of Alp d'Huez; you have warmed up on the road from Lake du Chambon and hit that ramp, but it's going to get harder & harder as you climb....can you reach Bend 21?? After the ride your Ergometer ride would show on both Connect & Strava with a map of where you have been rather then some horrible workout protocol..
    Decades ago, near the start of the entire video concept, I had something called Ergovideo, (I still have an email address with this name), I had a friend in Canada from an old power meter/coaching forum that started an app called Ergvideo, this replicated riding with other riders, in effect if you have riders on the screen ahead of you, they are the ones dictating a workout protocol to you...if you're following another rider or in a group, it's the guys at the front that dictate your pace, just the same as a watts-based ergometer workout. We had for many years our ErgoVideo DVDs which were popular.  Ive always wanted to merge this with the Demo mode inside the app; imagine then I would use the watts data that I could produce while filming on Bertha to create a protocol linked to each video frame, this would be then be set as a % of your LT, you would then switch to Ergovideo & your going to feel the workout that the pro riders are doing... Realistic would let you keep the Geodata & ability to post a regular ride to Strava, but the rider's cadence will be lower if you can't produce their w/kg.... 
    Anyway, its flogging a dead horse Andre, but fun to remember all these old features
  • I also liked Ergovideo. And I bought them.

  • I also liked Ergovideo. And I bought them.

    You probably paid for a set of new tires for me back in the day :-) In any case, I feel this whole feature is too complex for the management to understand when its being pushed by me (I often can make the obvious sound complicated)

    Amazingly, if you open Zwift about HALF, the customers are all doing workouts with their effort as w/kg converted into virtual speed & the VR frame rate & displayed speed using your w/kg against the terrains grades. Open all Tacx Apps - click Demo mode & its effectively running a workout protocol that is normally about 250watts or something....the code is more or less all there already, its been there for years :-) 

  • I'm just glad about it

    You probably paid for a set of new tires for me back in the day :-)
  • I still can't believe how (after years of requesting it....) a training platform in 2025 is not supporting workouts mode with video, in our case RLV

  • Just add the fields on the top left

  • Just add the fields on the top left

    The can of worms is probably the addition of a way to access & select a protocol while doing a regular RLV.  Maybe something like add a protocol to a favorits list of say 5 protocols, while doing a RLV from the settings tab there could be a drop down list of these you could select. From that point, your going to do the protocol, the break is reading that rather then the grade/terrain slope & in Erg mode...the terrain slope data is then used as before for the calculation of the speed along with the watts/kg your pushing (not the protocol as you might not be able to replicate it)....something like this would be great also for when doing a long climb & you just want to sit at say 200watts & listen to some music, just make a protocol that ramps upto 200watts for a couple of hours :-).  Something like this is how I would have liked it back in the day. 

  • I really hope ERG in RLV will now be taken seriously, specially after the partnership TR/Zwift