Asking confirmation for not saving a ride

Today I accidentally hit the red button at the end of a ride instead of the green one. This was my own fault (touchpad on a laptop that is not ideally placed), but it would have been nice if the app had asked me for confirmation to ditch that ride.

In fact, it is rarely the case that I do not want to save and upload a ride, so I wouldn't mind if the ride would be saved automatically. To make it perfect, automatic saving could be an option that is activated in the settings.

  • I have done this a number of times in the past. Then had to do a manual entry in Strava.

    The suggestions in this post would be a good move to avoid accidentally discarding your completed ride.

    Do you want to Save  YES/NO.      Do you want to Discard  YES/NO 

    If YES Discard is chosen this needs a confirmation “Are you sure you want to Discard this ride YES/NO”

    Then if there is a Discard by mistake, it can be corrected to NO then SAVE.

    Mobile Apps (iPad Pro) There is a confirmation message after clicking discard (if you Discard this ride it will not be saved)

  • I am at the stage in my life where saving rides is not important.  But, during testing, I often start a ride just to confirm things are working.  I have no interest in saving these kinds of very short tests, so having the clear option to discard is desirable in this situation.  I would think that having "save" as the default, in case the enter key is pressed, would be a solution.

  • Given the tiny size of the files generated, I strongly believe everything should be saved locally regardless in the Tacx/data folder...then keep the save dialog box for sending the data onto the server. If you do accidentally click the wrong button (it's very easy to do with poor eyesight & face full of sweat)...your data is in that folder as an easy to upload a fit file with a generic/date/time. It could be even a rolling single file with the same name like would once & for all end the annual issue of customers losing data when there is some backend issue. Even if these files can later be recovered, its then too late, you have lost a customer/s. The knowledge that you can easily get your last workout from a rock solid backup is something that adds faith in the product.  Recently I lost a file from my Edge, it was a firmware issue/bug that caused it to be lost....I then found out that the file was backed up in a separate folder to the regular history inside the Edge...The Edge is now in my mind rock solid & puts my data first...perfect! 

  • +myvote on this feature request.

    I remember doing this once. I accidently discarded my Val Thorens ride during one of the real challenges back in the day (ride these 10 climbs in 7 days challenge or something similar)

    At the very least there should be a confirmation popup before deleting the ride. This way it's also in line with other Garmin products like Edge. And to satisfy all customers you can put an option under settings "ask for confirmation when discarding a ride".

    I also agree with Phil's suggestion to always saving the ride to file. This also helps to restore when "the cloud" once again does not process/link the finished ride correctly.

  • Thanks for your feedback on this topic, we discussed it this week and will implement an extra confirmation after clicking the 'discard' button


    There is now a confirmation when clicking Discard.

    Discard this activity? If you discard this activity, your ride will not be saved. Cancel/Yes Discard.

    Thumbs up, Thanks ThumbsupPray