Dashboard improvement suggestions

Dashboard is one of the most important sections to me. I've been using the app for a while now and have seen lots of improvements been made already.
I think there are still plenty of ways left to make it even better. Here's a few of my suggestions:

  1. Decrease loading time of dashboard
    It often takes a while to fully load the dashboard. It feels a bit sluggish. Sometimes content is only loaded partially (like earned badges not showing)

  2. Create or customize sections
    It would be great if you can customize the sections/rows (or move them up/down) or add new ones. At least consider adding (latest) personal favorites as a section/row.

  3. Create your own Playlists
    How cool would it be if you can create your own playlist of virtual rides and upload a photo which you took when on vacation over there?

  4. Show exact number of people live or more granular count instead of jumping from 10+ to 50+
    I love some competition and I often pick my ride based on the number of people cycling live. There seems to be no option between 10+ and 50+?

  5. Include more status-information about the movie/ride like:
    Maybe this has been considered already but deemed not possible because of increased loading times?

    1. Show favorite icon (same as in Movies section)
      Movies at the movies section include the favorite icon in the upper right corner. This is great! Can this be included on the dashboard too?

    2. Add icon to show when a movie has been completed (or give # stars when it has been ridden 1,5,10+ times)
      I'm a real sucker trying to complete every movie at least once :) It would be handy to keep track of my progress.
    3. Add small baloon/box with highest personal avg w/kg for that ride/movie
      I Enjoy Self-competition :)

I'd love to hear opinion from others on this topic.

  • AD 1: indeed this is always the bad part - waiting for the loading of the dashboard takes sometimes almost longer than the ride. problem of server capacity?
    btw: in beta version loading Movies/Downloaded is also time-consuming 

    AD 2: already before I became beta test rider I have asked twice for (re)installation of the Favourites as a separately line (in the past it was there). It's very useful in order to keep track of routes you still want to ride and have not downloaded yet

    AD 5b: would be very helpful. sometimes you have to check Opponents/Myself but if there would be e.g. a green sign in the corner which shows you have already completed that ride, this would be very helpful

    Extra: don't know whether this has been discussed yet - during the ride getting info about elevation completed so far (Cumulative Elevation) would be appreciated

  • Something obvious that indicates a ride has already been completed would be a good feature.

  • It also takes me long loading time of dashboard.

    And I would like to create my own playlists. And also mark the movies that has been completed. 

  • I agree with the dashboard loading times they seem to take longer with each update. Moving around the dashboard and loading information is painfully slow.