Video player issue

Even in v. 4.65 of TTA for iOS and MacOS the video player is blurry and jerky on my iPad and MacBook Pro, if you compare to Rouvy give user really bad experience, but if you don’t wanna compare to Rouvy, we can compare to TDA where the user experience is very different,…..any plan to improve video codec/player in order to take advantage of the hardware available since the last 5 years from Apple users?

  • I downloaded the Skye ride (even though I have an 8k version here, lol) on my Mac this last week & it ran really smooth for me & was not too bad sharpness-wise if you pre-download, although I need my glasses on when on the trainer at that distance from the screen haha.  What is bad for me is the films in the MacOS version are still running the video files with the wrong colour space, they are thus all still washed out & lacking a lot of the contrast that they should have. If you open the same ride in Windows the contrast is there as they are if you run the video files in Quicktime or Windows Media Player. Its the same with my iphone App, all the contrast is gone. Now contrast is effectively the same as sharpness in our eyes.. a lot of the detail is gone if the darks are all turned into grey pixels. I doubt they have the ability to fix this anymore, its something that we have to just live with sadly. Personally I feel a fix would make the films look 10x nicer, but Im sure 99% of the customers will not understand the would be just a general feeling that they are enjoying the rides a bit more then normal haha. 

    Just realised that I have Parallels on my mac & I can actually run both apps at the same time in Demo mode :-) 

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