Trainer Calibration Prompt

I have a Tacx Genius trainer which requires calibration before each ride. According to the instructions I need to warm up the rear tyre first which I spend about five minutes doing.

When I launch an activity a warm-up screen opens and then a 'pop-up' appears recommending that I calibrate the tyre. This remains on screen for about 30 seconds at most.

If I have calibrated before starting a ride then this pop-up is superfluous. If I haven't calibrated then the pop-up does not remain on screen long enough for the tyre to get warmed up before beginning the calibration. Would it be possible for the pop-up to remain on the warm-up screen, or selectable, until the start activity button is pressed?

I need to confirm the following, but when I calibrate from within the activity - select my trainer, then settings followed by calibrate - and close the calibration and trainer window, the start activity button on the warm-up screen no longer seems to function and I have to exit and reselect the ride (a RLV ride in this case) before I can get off the warm-up screen, i.e. calibrating the tyre breaks the ride start function.

  • I don't use this app, but I used a Fortius for many years.  Why do you think you need to calibrate each time your ride?  If you keep the tire pressure constant and do not adjust the tension on the roller, the calibration should be okay as the calibration reading should be retained from previously.  Keep in mind, this is not a precision instrument, so it is a little futile to chase for accuracy better than plus or minus 5%.  The Fortius is mostly useful for getting a good workout.

  • I'm just following the advice given within the app. If a prompt for calibration is displayed it might as well be usable though.

  • I don't think the app has any way of determining whether your Fortius calibration is no longer accurate, so it just sends the reminder every time.  TDA does the same thing with my Flux2 Smart.  So, as said before, if you keep your tire pressure at the same level and do not change the tension on the roller, you don't need to do it.

  • Thanks.I do agree with that. I'm just questioning, from an application and usage  point of view, what is the point of a pop-up asking a user to calibrate their tyre which is only on screen for ten seconds.

    If a tyre takes five minutes of easy riding to warm up for calibration purposes then the pop-up is not fit for purpose. Pressing it takes you to the calibration screen so it is designed to encourage the user to calibrate their trainer, but the ten seconds that the pop-up appears for is far too short a time for anything except acting as a reminder.

    If ithe pop-up is just a reminder then it doesn't need any functionality behind it, but if it is designed to encourage calibration before the ride as the text and app instructions suggest, then the current time-out is far too short for that purpose.
