Cycling & Virtual Cycling changes to Garmin Connect

Will list here random thoughts on this app,

  • Needs desperately a dedicated virtual ride section for segments. Ideal limited to just Tacx or have Tacx have it’s own segments to keep it clean & organised. It would display complete rides, KOMs & official courses.
  • when opening a ride those wonderful spectrum colours for the course route should be for Slope by default for cyclists rather then speed. Just now it’s kind of confusing as Red (hot) is used on nearly every apps route profiles to denote a hill with blue (cold) for a descent & just now in connect it’s effectively the complete opposite, probably aimed at running.
  • segment times (KOM Courses & full ride) need to be displayed on the Lap tab so Laps/segments this tab would then become really well used by cyclists..I guess it’s aimed at running like the default of displaying speed.
  • Have the altitude curve display by default with a distance axis for cycling. Time is again aimed at running. You can easily switch but it would be nice to be able to set this in settings and have it’s just a small irritating extra click & kind of highlights that this is a app aimed at other sports.
  • Give Courses & Course creation it’s own dedicated tab..I used connect for years before I even clicked Training Tab & discovered by accident you can make a course in the app & not have to use Garmins stand alone dedicated program, half the worlds cyclists do not train, we ride. Cycling is a passion, a religion or activity that’s done for enjoyment for probably the majority of actual cyclists...they would never click ‘Training’ especially when looking for a scenic route to explore. 

  • the course creation part is actually really good, but adding open street maps & for us open cycling maps & vitality when actually editing a route have street view available..colours for the difficulty of roads would be brilliant.
    • will add this one which I feel would be a game-changer for Edge & Connect users, suspect wahoo will add it first though....add a layer to the Course creation for officially sanctioned KOMs this would be massive for all cyclists using an Edge GPS unit also, to see just where the hills & climbs actually are on a map...its kind of incredibly obvious but just now this absolutely vital info for all cyclists (at least those outside of Kansas) is hidden.