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Watch is stuck in an activity with screen unresponsive.

I activated a walk activity and paused it while getting lunch. When I tried to resume the activity the screen froze and became unresponsive. After numerous touches it activated and sent an incident detection and is now touch unresponsive on the screen to dismiss the incident response.

Gesture works, Hands are keeping time, Steps ore being counted. It detects when the phone disconnects and reconnects.

It thinks that it is still in the activity and is still sharing the GPS from the phone.

I cannot stop the activity as the screen is unresponsive. I am at work and do not have the cable, which I am hoping will push it out of the activity.

Does anyone have any ideas?

  • The only thing you can do is drain the battery faster. You need to send a lot of requests via the "Find my Device" function from the app. Vibration is one of the most energy-consuming functions. But then you'll still need a cable

  • Thanks for the reply. As I figuyred, it sorted itself out as soon as I plugged it in. Funny thing is, it continued to record my walking activity all the way home on my 11km drive.