My watch suddenly responds very slow to any input, screen, button, swipe... When swiping, the dials of the watch stop or continue unregularly. GPS recording seems to work, but not accurate. A 9 km run (which is actually 10) records only a few hundred steps and an average heartrate of 71 (should be around 145). It doesn't connect to me phone, whatever I tried. I tried switching on/off, soft reset, restarting app and smartphone, reset to standard settings... It does respond, but so slow, it seems to be stuck (20 seconds before it reacts on the pushbutton). But it seems to grind through whatever it is doing in the background...
It was fully charged 8 hours ago, now only 30% --> not normal.
Any suggestion or similar experience? My VA3 is 2,5 years old.
Kind regards,