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Watch Pin Lug

Last night I took off my watch band to test the quick release watch pins and a little silver lug fell out of one of the watch pin holes and into the carpet and lost forever...

Now one of the pins on my watch is loose as the hole without the lug is a couple of mm larger than the end of the pin and I am worried the band will fall off or the pin will bend.

Does anyone know what these little watch pin lugs are actually called and if replacements can be purchased form a watch repairer or from Garmin?

Also, be careful when removing the band as these lugs seem to fall out very easily....

  • I have had the same problem. I make jewellery, and have a lot of sead beeds which have holes in them. These beads are tiny and I found one small enough to fit into the recess but the hole was big enough for the pin to fit. I have pushed this in really tight. I will update when I know it has definitely worked as I have only just tried it.

  • I contacted Garmin and they are having me ship the watch to them (free of charge) to be fixed.

  • Same as Gizmutt - contacted Garmin and they are replacing the watch for a refurbed one. Seems a bit drastic just for a pin lug, but hey ho, if thats what they're doing who am I to argue.