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150 Intensity minutes a week? No wonder obesity is out of control in the US!

Honestly, who came up with that as a standard? 150 minutes a week is almost a joke. Seriously, setting such low standards allows folks to stay pretty sedentary. Haven't fooled with Intensity minutes with my FR 235 for about 2 years. One week with the VVA3- 1,102 Intensity,minutes, 43 miles run- pretty gentle pace, about 20,000 steps a day. This from a 74 year old guy. It appears whoever came up with this standard didn't even differentiate about age. Hopefully,no,exercise physiologists were involved with creating this. My guess, mostly sedentary folks.
Come on my fellow Garminers, let's show the world we can do,a lot more than the current "gold standard" of the paltry 150 minutes a week. Nick
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    What counts as "intense" exercise is probably very different for a person two takes part in regular sport, compared to a person who does not. Whether a "sports" watch should adopt as a baseline a standard that most sports enthusiasts would consider unambitious is a fair question. However, there isn't another baseline than the "150 minute" figure that has such wide acceptance. Those of us who exercise more vigorously than that are free to set our own standards, with or without a watch to record our progress.
  • There is one small problem: if I change the 150 target in the app to a higher number, it does not synchronise to the watch. Anyone been able to change it?
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 6 years ago
    There is one small problem: if I change the 150 target in the app to a higher number, it does not synchronise to the watch. Anyone been able to change it?

    I noticed that as well. The watch display still shows "150" as the target, although I see the correct value I entered in the Garmin Connect website.

    I haven't worried about this small oddity; it's a minor issue compared to the fact that the whole "intensity minutes" thing is essentially a random number generator for me.
  • There is one small problem: if I change the 150 target in the app to a higher number, it does not synchronise to the watch. Anyone been able to change it?

    I had this issue too, although Garmin Connect shows the correct values. I found if you delete the widget and re-add it the correct value shows on the watch.
  • great tip, thanks, steveg2112
  • The American Heart Association set the guidelines. Good for you if you have time in your day for 20,000 steps. I do a minimum of 10,000 most days, but I'm not retired and work and am raising a family.

  • The American Heart Association.