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Venu sq , heart rate having some strange blips

looking back over past year for my heart rate (i'm 65 male in good health).. i see over past year my avg resting is 60bpm, avg high 127bpm, which is good. When i'm exercising i notice when i look it can go to 155 160 on running machine, which again is ok. But twice in past 2 months i was looking at the stats and it showed at some time in the day i twice had heart rate saying its up to near 200. On both times i recalled where i was , and both were just sitting down watching tv, so there was no stress no exercise , nothing. So how can i state that my heart rate jumped to a dangerous level when i was actually doing nothing at the time?? is this just a false blip ? or do other people get this ?  There's no way anything strenuous was going on stress, so dont tell me that...