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Brightness setting does not work

The brightness setting doesn't work and seems to be fixed to automatic.

There is a brightness setting on the watch to adjust the brightness manually. However, it doesn't do anything. It seems the brightness is set to automatic, unable to change the brightness setting to manual.

Is everyone with the Venu experiencing the same issue?

  • Can you please email these folks at Garmin and let them know about it.  That'd be great (the more the merrier): [email protected]

    This is the email info they sent me:

    We have recently become aware of this issue and are currently working on a future software update that should fix this problem. It has already been implemented in one of the other watches with a similar issue, so we anticipate this to implemented into a D2 Air X10 update soon. When the watch was released, the screen dimming function was working normal. Since we delayed the release of the watch, however, it updated to a newer software nearly right out of the box with version 3.40 and the problem wasn't detected until after the release. There is no timeline for when software updates are available, but based on the information I have received, they are trying to implement the fix with an update that was scheduled for this week.

  • Howdy. If you email the people at Garmin they have an answer: [email protected]

    The more the better.  I emailed them and they told me a previous watch had the same issue and they fixed it with an update.  They also said, that the D2 air X10 originally came out working fine. But because the release was delayed, the watch basically received an immediate update straight out the box. After that, the dimming issue ensued.  They also said the update should be out hopefully this following week. Hope that helps.