^ message on screen, can't get rid of it
It's uploading to Garmin Connect on my phone all the time. I can see my activities. ???
^ message on screen, can't get rid of it
It's uploading to Garmin Connect on my phone all the time. I can see my activities. ???
I am coping a post from CindiL that I found explicitly listed for Venu Sq (which I have); I am sure it applies to other models.
"Are you seeing current information when you open up Connect? Do you…
where is the garmin folder
how did you do it?
I could be wrong, but I believe it's not possible to delete all of your activities at once directly from the Venu SQ, only one at a time. You can easily do it by connecting…
where is the garmin folder
1) All activity should already be Sync to Express or Connect (saved)
2) Memory Low. Upload to Garmin: Removing Activity Files to Free Up Space on a Garmin Device I opened ONLY the Activity File, deleted all files (already saved in 1#)
3) Update in Garmin Express (on your computer). Sync and updates installed once opened.
Other: If you do not have Garmin Express on your computer:
how did you do it?
I could be wrong, but I believe it's not possible to delete all of your activities at once directly from the Venu SQ, only one at a time. You can easily do it by connecting your watch to a computer, then deleting the contents of the \GARMIN\ACTIVITY folder as mentioned earlier by seilogramp -
Coñnect your watch to your computer using the USB charging cable and browse to the e:\garmin\activity.
Then delete all but the latest activity files. Note: The drive letter might be a different letter like d. Highlight the files you want to delete and press delete or right click and select the trash can.
Hold the shift key to delete more than one file
On the watch? Not possible. You still can only delete activities one at a time. The link I already posted is how to do it with the watch connected to a computer. In which case, you could perform the typical "holding shift key" tasks.
Please try these tips: Garmin Connect App: "Sync Failed File Transfer Error Not Enough Space" and reach out to Garmin Support team for further assistance.