^ message on screen, can't get rid of it
It's uploading to Garmin Connect on my phone all the time. I can see my activities. ???
^ message on screen, can't get rid of it
It's uploading to Garmin Connect on my phone all the time. I can see my activities. ???
I am coping a post from CindiL that I found explicitly listed for Venu Sq (which I have); I am sure it applies to other models.
"Are you seeing current information when you open up Connect? Do you…
where is the garmin folder
how did you do it?
I could be wrong, but I believe it's not possible to delete all of your activities at once directly from the Venu SQ, only one at a time. You can easily do it by connecting…
Honestly.. I started using Venu Sq YESTERDAY and attempted recording activities today for the first time. It displayed the "memory full" message during the 1st activity! Does it really have so little memory that even one activity causes this???
There's no need to delete via laptop. You can do it via the watch itself. Hold bottom button for 3 seconds. Then go in to settings. From there history. Then options. Then delete all activities. As long as they have previously synced to the connect app. They will still remain on your phone. Just seems odd you're getting the message after 1 day/1 activity. Are you sure it's syncing over correctly. I must admit as a slight technophobe I struggled initially but have found the watch extremely good for my needs and have no complaints with its performance. Hope you get sorted
Bought an sq2. Much nicer. Just a better Garmin!