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Flickering screen

I have just bought a Venu SQ and the screen is flickering both when the time is showing and when I am navigating through functions. Will there be a software update to fix this - or will I have to return my device?

Thanks for any help.


  • I am now on my 3rd unit (thank you Amazon Prime)... all three units have the same problem. 

    I don't think I am simply unlucky. There must be a HW and/or SW problem.

    BTW to clarify - I see the flickering only under certain lighting conditions. Namely under low, artificial light (evening, indoor). That is the only reason I am not throwing the watch back at Garmin. No excuse, but at least it is not happening during activities I've bought the watch for (outdoor running & golf).

  • Hi! Are you able to take a video of this happening on the watch?

  • I am curious, does it happen on both the Garmin standard watch faces that come with the watch and also any from the IQ store?  

    Also, does it do it regardless of the brightness setting you have the watch set to?

  • Same problem here no matter what face.  My watch says it’s stressing me.Tired face

  • Hello, I also have the same problem with my screen. Was it figured out what was causing this? 

  • Thank you for this. I am going to add impact to a case regarding multiple users on here having the same experience an when I get an update I will keep you posted. 

  • I got it! I just missed it, thank you!

  • Could you post a video of this happening?