Installed firmware version wrong on Garmin Connect

Vector 3 pedals with firmware v3.80 installed (since its release). Checked via several Edge devices - all report v3.80.

Yet GC web shows Software Version: 3.60 as well as "Your device is up to date"

It could be the case the last time the GC iOS app saw them directly (via BT) they were v3.60 - I've long since disconnected them from the app due to previous issues / battery drain and zero benefit - but Garmin Connect as a platform sees them multiple times a week via various Edge devices.

What's going on I wonder?

Maybe a similar issue to that of Garmin Express (desktop app): for all devices shows the firmware version that it last saw when last connected to that physical machine, NOT the actual firmware the device is running from being upgrade via another method (BT, WiFi etc)..?