Can no longer connect via ANT+ or Bluetooth

Hi All, I have an original Neo first generation that I got from Performance Cycle that has worked flawlessly for me over the last several years. It has been hooked up to a laptop via ANT+ running Golden Cheetah and I typically use it in simple ERG mode without it being plugged in. Today when I attempted to use it I got no signal via ANT to the laptop. Tried plugging it in and still no signal. Tried using the Android Tacx app via bluetooth (plugged in and not plugged in) and the application cannot see the trainer. All of this leads me to believe I am having some kind of an issue with the comms part of the Neo. When I plug the unit in, it does make some kind of initial power up sound which then stops, however, none of the LED's on the NEO light up. Any guidance or suggestions would be appreciated.