Neo Erg mode spikes

I use an edge 1040 to control the Tacx neo.

It’s mostly smooth but every few minutes there 

will be spikes and resistance will increase massively for some seconds and then return to normal.

this has happened on both my trainers with two different edge devices. Any way to get rid of this?


  • You must live with it, Garmin has never wanted to solve this issue, neither power target freezing when ìt should be updated according to new steps in your workout.

    Cross your fingers before starting any workout. Sometimes it could work well

  • control it via BT with a mobile or tablet (or computer). in the x40 series the FE-C controlling is buggy. btw how did you pair your Neo to the Edge? only as indoor trainer? no pairing as a power sensor, right?

  • the workaround that works for me:

    - while still using the edge, connect with tacx training app (on your phone using BT) at the same time

    - In the app, make sure you're connected and then disconnect the neo.  Close the app.

    - When the next spike happens, your neo will drop the power resistance.  Change the power on you edge and you get the resistance back

    After this, I don't get spikes anymore.