There have't been a new firmware in a year ..??
There have't been a new firmware in a year ..??
The Neo1 is already a discontinued product, there is no new fw for it at least since 2017-18... (if i remember good). What kind of bugfix do You need? Do You have any issue with it?
The biggest problem that I experience when I use my Neo (1) together with my Edge 1030 is that of a very erratic sudden increase in power (brake snaps shut). It used to happen around 30 seconds after the change of a power level. Now it happens several times during a power level. Sometimes it does not but more often this behavior happens. It has gone worse with later FW verisons of the Edge.
Have you found any solution?
Sorry! No I haven't. After a period of having lost power in ERG mode altogether ist's back to erratic behaviour. Some rides go without and some rides have it from start until the end. Slope rides and following routes (or tracks) on the egde worked always fine.
seems same issue to me with tacx Neo T2800 and Edge 530 ( FW 9.40 ) .. impossible to follow the training
How i can check the update of trainer?