Have anyone seen this problem before? The scale is turning on and turning off and doesn't measure when I step
Have anyone seen this problem before? The scale is turning on and turning off and doesn't measure when I step
Hello! Can you hit the reset button on the back of the scale and let me know if that works?
Hello, Amber,
I restarted it, I reconfigured it, I removed the battery for hours and none of them make it work. =/
Hello, Amber,
I restarted it, I reconfigured it, I removed the battery for hours and none of them make it work. =/
Ok, thank you for trying! Are you by chance located in the US or CAD?
Unfortunately no. I'm from Brazil
OK, May I reach out to you by email?
I've just sent the scale to brazilian assistance service. let's wait the conclusion of their analys. also you can reach me at ovictorpinto at gmail dot com
OK, glad you were able to get support on this device!
I sent to support and they said need to change something like the 'motherboard' of the scale. It was more expensive than a new one, so I get rid it of