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Hi everyone,

ive now updated to the latest firmware and thought it might be worth discussing some of the ‘theoretical’ abilities of the options.
From what I can see you can choose between GPS only, GPS+GLONASS, GPS+Galileo and of course Ultratrac.
With regards to the multi satellite options, I’m assuming you can only have GLONASS OR Galileo and not all three.

As such, couple of questions:

1. Are any of these options more efficient in terms of battery, performance then one another.

2. Should we regard the number of available satillites available as roughly equivalent. Understand that Galileo is supposedly more accurate than GPS and GLONASS but I've checked typical amount of satellites available on GPS Plan and typically have 7-10 GPS, 3-7 GLONASS and 2-4 Galileo so would people anticipate I would get more favourable data with GLONASS due to availability or is there a 2to1 ratio available or something such like? Truth be told I've never had any problems with accuracy where I run. The only notable instances I can think of was during London marathon in the high-built areas and running around the high-rise areas of Manhattan, NYC which I can hardly blame the satellites for. Even on NYC-Marathon performance was spot on as most of the run is on wide roads even where built up. I will try some of my own regular runs over the near future to see if it changes much from current (GPS+GLONASS) but be interested to hear others opinion.

3. Other minor usage point. I found the option to select satellites inside the 'running' app of my 935. Is there a way to change satellite selection for all apps simultaneously or do you have to do it app by app?

For reference I live in the Nottinghamshire area of the UK (Roughly around the middle)


  • As of now I recommend to use GPS only. Did a test run with clear sky and the tracks with Galileo and GPS are not good. Same as with GPS+GLONASS.
    Much smoother with GPS only.
  • I concur. I got the same result; GPS only gives me the best result.
  • I concur. I got the same result; GPS only gives me the best result.

    same here...even tho not able yet to see GPS+Galileo (and I don't know why...) I found GPS only the best options; gps glnass is supposed to be more accurate in calculate altitude and tracking your run or ride but in my case that's the other way round. GLonass probably works better in tough conditions, such as clouds or in the miffle of a forest...but in normal condition with blue sky GPS is better...that's my expeience. BTW, any suggestion on how to enable the galileo? I made the upgrade autimatically during night and my GPS versio is 4.40 (!) with an exlamation mark between bracket...
  • read the V9.60 post carefully and it will tell you how to upgrade your GPS version (basically use GE)