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Don't include running activity steps from daily count

I'd like calculate steps only during inactivity period while all sport activities are counted separately and detailed.

E.g. - I run three times a week and these three days influences trends of daily steps while my steps regulary grow/decrease not influenced by these runs...

  • I do what works for me. I am in no way claiming my findings are universal, nor am I claiming that articles on the web are evidence based. I'm simply comparing the weight of one persons opinion vs the opinion from multiple other sources.

    Tim, no need to be puzzled. When I'm in the training zone, I try to optimize my training, nutrition, and recovery. I don't try to hit 10000 steps on no leg days (the goal is usually much less). This is in no way adding fatigue, nor is it having an aerobic benefit. What it IS doing is increasing time on my feet (I sit a lot at work) and most importantly IMPROVING recovery by increasing blood flow to muscles.

    Anywho, that's how I rock it. I'm by no means a superstar, but I have done a 10:17 Ironman at 45 years of age.

    All I'm saying is the OP is not alone in his request. It would be nice if Garmin allowed users the OPTION to turn of step tracking in the settings of all the Apps.
  • I must appreciate Garmin's work - it's almost what I want - inspite of running days with 30K steps the next day goal is not higher than previous if it was unsuccessful... so let's se the progress further
  • Is the request of excluding activity steps from daily steps being done? Or they are still being counted all together?
  • Have a look next time you run? As I've said, it's never something Ive bothered about. I have a feeling that steps from non-bipedal activities are better ignored, but that's the limit of my observation. Still cannot understand why you would want them separately though.
  • Late to the game but suppot here. Of course you don't want activity steps influencing daily non activity targets. Common sense as before long your daily steps would be impossible without an activity. The problem is more acute when it appears certain apps are using step count adjustment in calorie calculations. 

  • That's what he's asking for and it makes perfect sense. Steps are not steps. Steps during a run are way different to steps walking to the local shop. 

  • Still cannot agree to this logic. A step is a step is a step whether it's part of a walk or a run. My count goes up and down like a yo-yo. But then I'm more interested in the average over time. Well I would be if I was bothered.

    However, steps added swimming or cycling or anything other than running/walking is a very different matter.

  • Steps are only of interest to those who lead a very inactive/sedentary life, and tend to forget about moving about over the course of a day. For anyone who is active at least an hour or two a day steps are completely irrelevant because they will hit any health-related target easily. I think Polar's way of doing things makes much more sense. I usually average 30k steps a day but due to my high activity goal won't always reach 100% unless those steps are accompanied with a raised HR, say from a run.

  • So has there been any movement on this? Since I've had my FR645M I've noticed how stupid it is that the activity doesn't show me how many steps I made during that activity, and the option to exclude from daily count makes sense.

    The fact that my runs have all these metrics, but *don't* show how many steps I actually took to me is just a massive oversight.

    And this thread is 2 years old now, so clearly there's little hope...

  • Your activity shows duration and shows cadens. Pick up an calculator and find out how many steps you took.

    But why on earth do you want to know how many steps you took? That puzzles me.

    To become a better atleet you may want to vary the duration of your runs. To be a more efficient runner you may want to vary your cadans. 

    There is nothing that can improve you as an atleet that is related to the number of steps you take during an activity.

    There is a lot of things wrong with garmin software. Really a lot. But not reporting the number of steps you take during a run is not one of them.