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Run vs Trail Run?

I am just wondering if there are any differences between the two modes except the naming convention? I am thinking that is the only difference but checking.
  • Nice to know!
    I live in a city with steep slopes and I just take the low VO2 max figured for granted.
    When I go to a flatter region for a while, the value jumps up again, to decrease as soon as I return to my city.

  • That’s interesting because your Lactate Threshold snd HR should increase on trails depending on the grade of the trail. Is that what you meant by LTHR? Even on grades where I power hike my HR goes up and my muscles work harder. I can see the point that VO2 Max might be different because the ground is not flat. Trails give back depending on whether  they are sandy versus packed or soft loamy trails with leaf cover. Also depending on the trail you may have some steep downhill sections. As long as you are taking small quick steps your output should remain the same, no?