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Forerunner XT735 is not booting / charging properly

I have a 5 year old Garmin Forerunner XT735.

The watch started showing a problem after being in a swimming pool.

It switched off and it is dead unless i connect it to a power supply using the charging cable. After connecting it to a power supply, it stays stuck on a loop showing the Garmin image and the battery charging symbol (alternating).

The watch doesn´t respond to the buttons (soft / hard reset are useless) and is not detected if open the Garmin Express (windows).

Did anyone had this problem before?

Could the hardware part affected be identified?

I sent an email to Garmin Support (waiting for a feedback).

  • Greetings,

    mostly same problem here ...

    FR735xt in Watch Mode suddenly startet getiing hot, draining Power 8ß% within 10 min.
    Not possible to charge again, sometime it stops charging 1%, 3%, most of time at 6%
    Restarting drains 2% - Funniest thing, while charging it drains ...
    Tried hardreset, new connecting, found old thread, with same probs, followed for deleting folders - no success

    I know its a little bit old, but hey was working and a really good watch  Disappointed

    Any recommendations?


  • I contacted Garmin Support. 

    They offered me a replacement for a reasonable price and with 3 year warranty. 

    I already received it. The watch looks good as new, although I think this is a service/refurbished watch. I am pretty happy with this solution.

    Kind regards
