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Time and date wrong on 735...

Post a recent GE sync, my 735 is showing the wrong time (out by 11h45mins..not a 'round' number of hours) and is using yesterday's date. 'Set automatically' has never really worked for me. And how the *** do you set the date?! Do i have to wait until a GPS signal is found? Pretty irritating bug.
  • indeed, the best thing you can do is wait for a GPS fix (go outside), that will set the date, timezone and time automatically.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to mariomobiel

    that does not work 

    where is the date function ?

  • There is no date function on the watch. Per the manual...

    "The time and date are set automatically based on the GPS position."

  • For GPS time/date to work, you have to set the time to "Auto".

  • Mine is an hour out have been waiting from the gps to kick in 

    it doesn’t 

    come on Garmin!!??

  • This watch does NOT have an option to manually set the date and time. I agree this is a bad design by Garmin. I had this same issue. GOOD NEWS! I have a fix!

    1. Click the menu button on the watch (top right button)

    2. Click the UP arrow button to navigate your way to the RUN activity

    3. Click the menu button to select the RUN activity

    4. Click the DOWN arrow button to navigate your way to the ACTIVITY SETTINGS menu

    5. Click the menu button to select ACTIVITY SETTINGS

    6. Click the DOWN arrow button to navigate to GPS

    7. Click the menu button to select GPS

    8. Click the DOWN arrow button to navigate to GPS + GLONASS

    9. Click the menu button to select GPS + GLONASS

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  Your issue should now be fixed!  When I did this on my watch, the time and date automatically updated immediately to the correct time and date. Of course you will need to make sure your CLOCK setting (under your general SYSTEM settings) "Set Automatically" is turned ON before completing steps 1 thru 9.

    TIP: You also may want to turn off GPS after the date and time update in order to prolong the battery life of your watch for everyday use. 

  • Essentially this, as mentioned 4 years ago.

    The time and date are set automatically based on the GPS position