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preserve battery life?

What settings do I need to use to maintain functional of pace, time, distance (using GPS) plus listening to music to preserve battery life?

Ideally want Heart rate too

  • Listening to music is the killer. Just going to have to accept charging more often.

  • As mentioned, listening to music is the killer, but there are a few settings you can change to extend battery life.  For ultras I do the following :-

    Disable wrist & remove heart rate strap (if you have one) (if you don't need to monitor heart rate)

    Disconnect bluetooth

    Change backlight in system settings - backlight - during activity switched off ; timeout - 8 seconds ; gesture - off ; keys & alerts - off

    Switch off vibration. only allowed km lap alerts

    Change to Smart Recording - for best battery life

    Changed to GPS only (not GPS + Glonass or GPS + Galileo)(DO NOT USE Use UltraTrac GPS mode for your activity (UltraTrac) - IT IS A MESS!!!

    I do not remove activity tracking - steps etc

    Hope that helps.