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Amy training plan 10k, superset bug?

Hi, I've been running  for some time, following Amy training program for 10K.

I love it.

I read the activity description and try to follow it with the instructions displayed on my forerunner 645 Music watch.

So far, I had some really hard time following it, because I run 1 600m, and then I do  the first series 200M, 600M, 1 600M. At that point,  I'm expecting to start again a 200M, 600M, 1 600M directly, has described in the activity menu.

But, instead, there's a 2min rest and another 1 600M rest.

In my previous attempts, I was running by mistake as fast as I could during the 2min rest, and was very disturbed by the following 1 600m rest before the second series.

I'm pretty sure that this supersets is described has : 

1600m + 3x (200m very fast + 600m fast + 1600m running pace) + 1600m on the paper but on my watch, I have to do 1600m + 3x (200m very fast + 600m fast + 1600m running pace + 2min rest + 1600M rest) + 1600m which is quite long and slow in the end.

When I connect my watch on the garmin connect website, the result of my training isn't proper either. The 2min rest aren't visible.

Am I the only one having this kind of trouble with the supersets in Amy 10k program ? Thx