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Massive battery drain

After last two updates are watch almost useless. The battery level drops 4% every hour, so that means i have to charge the watch every day.

I don't use any smart functions, just wrist HR and activity tracking (sleep, steps...). During run is battery consumption cca 10% per hour (GPS 1sec recording, external HR),

which seem to be OK. So i presume that the battery is good. I tried factory reset, get back to previous SW version, but nothing helps. Now i'm on 5.7 so at least the watch doesn't freeze

after the end of a session. Do you have any tips, what else could i try?

  • Similar experience this evening with the same set up (gps GLONASS). 45 minutes took me from 96% to 81%. After syncing with wifi went to 75%. Then  few minutes later 74, a few more 73. I long pressed light to turn off then turned it back on. Now I'm back to almost 1 hr per percent lost.

  • I took off the watch from the charger 1 hour ago, and already lost 5%. That is insane. Now i'm heading to mountains what will take 2 hours, so it means another 10% off. I hope, that the watch will not die in the middle of the hike.

  • I had my watch charged to 100% this morning and after a 5km race, it went to 0%, fully empty... Also one week ago I had a 30km run with 100% charge and could not make it till the end (less than 3 hours with music) Version was updated several days ago. Any help

  • Today I made an 1 hour run with Coaching, so I got a lot of accoustic signals during the run and also the backlight turns on when I look at the watch because it was already dark. The battery goes down from 29% to 17% during the run, so I think this is still acceptable. I don´t remember how it was with a former firmware version (4.20).

  • Same here. One day 67% in the morning, after the second 30 min bycicle ride it turned of. Another day pretty the same. I recognized that sometimes the light does not turn off automatically, even when not in a training session. Checked settings and it still says "8 seconds". Probably it stays on at daytime sometimes and drains the battery. It's hard to see if it's on at daylight.

    Definitely starteted with FW 6.20. Also had 2 freezes (one after save, one in clock mode) since the update. See also

    I'm wondering why there are no Garmin moderators in here. Would be a good chance to collect information and stay in contact with customers. Is that normal, I'm here for the first time as I did not have any problems with my Garmin devices before.

  • Have you opened a support request with Garmin? The more people that do that then the better the chance they will look at fixing it. These forums appear just to be for users to talk among themselves.

  • From today afternoon the battery level fall from 80% to 25% in a few hours!!! I did factory reset and turn off bluetooth and monitor and it still reduces the battery level... HELP