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Workouts - How to show running power zone range for sections?(Training Peaks or IQ)

Sorry if the above is confusing I couldn't figure out how best to word it.

Essentially I've created workouts on Training Peaks and imported no problem, even set my running power zones for each little part. Everything comes through to the watch perfect, 'except' what my range of power should actually be...

So it shows 'Warm Up - 2km' and I know this is in Zone 1 of my Power Zones, however the watch doesn't actually give me a visual '211-260 kw' for example?

So while running other than me writing it on my hand or remmembering (Difficult with mixed thresholds) it's a bit confusing ;)

Anyone know a work around?

  • If I’m understanding you correctly you just want something to tell you the range at the start of the interval. If that’s the case, then after importing from TP edit the workout in Connect and add a note for each step with the info you want and it should show that info at the start of the interval.
  • Yes that’s exactly what I need! I wasn’t aware you could edit a TP in Connect :eek:

    I shall give it a try thanks so much!
  • after importing from TP edit the workout in Connect and add a note for each step with the info you want and it should show that info at the start of the interval.

    Sorry just tried doing this but my workout from TP doesn't show on the Gamrin Connect website? Is there something I'm missing? It only shows workouts created on GC.

    Apologies if I'm being stupid :/
  • You said you imported the workout from TP so I assumed that meant that you were bringing it into Connect and then loading it onto your watch. Is this not the case? If it’s not what do you mean when you say that you imported it, and are you using it on the watch?

    I’ve never dealt with importing workouts from another platform but I would think the import would put it into their format and would be editable. I could be wrong and Garmin treats imported workouts differently and if that’s the case you’d have to find a way to do something similar within TP.

    Edit: I did a quick search and saw that TP has a CIQ app for transferring their workouts straight to your device. If that's what your using see if there is a way to add step notes that will show on your watch within TP.
  • Since I think I have the same problem, I just did a graphic for better understanding.
    The problem for structured workouts imported by TP is, that u cant change the extra workout page as far as i know (because so far Garmin only supports running workouts for pace and HR).
    And if ure running with a stryd pod u have to change datafields and also remember your zones or write them down. Until now i didnt find a good workaround for that problem and hope someone can help me too.
  • I guess there is no solution to this?
  • I have the 645m and 935 and the Apple Watch 3, the best option for Stryd Power Zone training in my experience is using the Apple watch 3 with Ismoothrun app. You can set your power zones in the Ismoothrun app according to your Stryd power zones and then create structured workouts that using power zone alerts. It works pretty good as it gives me audio prompts of in zone, above or below zone feed back. I really hope either Stryd comes up with a way to build structure workouts with power zone alerts in CIQ or garmin adds native support for power zone and alerts.
  • Thanks for all the responses. I ended up just using GC to create my own workouts and then added notes as suggest by R Tellis, works a treat and super easy to setup on my phone 10 mins before a run :)

    Flicking between 2-3 screens for the notes/power screen is more than acceptable :)

    So thanks for all the help!
  • There is actually a way to do this, I had the same issue

    I made the changes on training peaks, not within garmin connect. If you open the planned workout in training peaks, and click on the blue bars (the timeline that shows power zones) it will then open a screen to edit them.

    Under the section "workout details editor" each section will have a title (e.g. warm up 1, warm up 2, Hard etc). That title is what your garmin watch will show you while running for that section. So all you need to do is just add to it or change it, so for example, you could change "warm up 1" to "warm up 1 - zone 1 - 200-300w" or whatever else will jog your memory. After that just save it and sync your watch within garmin connect.

    Its not super simple, but for your more complicated speed workouts, makes it a lot easier to remember what you are supposed to do in that section.

    Hope this helps!

  • This worked like a charm, thanks a bunch. I was wondering how to go bout it and stumbled on this thread