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I want to replace the battery on the 45s

I disassembled the FR 45s battery, but I can't find it on sale (Europe), the code is 361-00104-00. I found the 45 battery which has the following code 361-00104-20, I thank anyone who can give me useful information.

  • I want to replace the battery on the forerunner 45 in the UK but can't find the product code (via internet searching) or a a supplier. Did you find a solution to your battery problem?. If so can you post. Tx

  • I found the FR 45 battery very easily on Chinese sites. My difficulty was finding the battery of the "45s" which is smaller. However, I was lucky enough to find a compatible battery that I removed from a faulty Bluetooth headset. The battery was slightly smaller but of good quality, with a battery life of 2-3 days for my mother's watch.