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My Garmin Forerunner 45 turns off when in running mode and GPS in on.

It will be active for 10 mins and then turn off. In cardio mode it might last 30 mins but then turns off. When just in normal watch mode its fine. The battery is fully charged and it turns back on OK. 

  • I … actually don’t know how to find out how much juice is in my battery. All I do is charge it when it’s less than 60% when the battery icon appears, or when I get the Battery Low alert. However, neither influence the crashing, the watch has crashed on winter runs for two years now, and now the watch crashes on every run, within 1 km. I’m thinking the watch just isn’t built to last, whereas the 220 that I gave to a friend when I bought this is still serving him very well (no heart monitor though).