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Annoyingly Missed Treadmill Workouts!

Ugggh, it happened again, am I the only one?!

Garmin devs, PLEASE implement a better way to initiate treadmill workouts for us "Least common denominators".  I'm a QA Engineer too and keep having this issue where I feel like I have to press the start button twice to actually initiate the workout.  

The screen just looks about 95% the same from when it's tracking all of the data, waiting a button press, until it's actually been user initiated.

2 Proposed solutions:

- AUTO capture the data from when the screen is brought up and give a setting/option to log the workout and some earlier point (ie.. -10:00 mins) that's adjustable. 

- EASY poka-yoke on the watch that clearly shows we havent' started the workout yet OR simply don't show all the same data field as if it's logging (though I'm sure some folks have a valid reason for this)