My Edge Explore kinda had a meltdown today and was not useful at all. I plotted this route and set off to follow it:
1 - first it tell me this will take a long time to calculate, I should consider adding points. But I'm near the start of the route, would I like to start now? I say yes and start cycling
2 - from this point on it just beeps and beeps and doesn't tell me why it's beeping
3 - after about 5k this got too annoying so I chose to exit the route and just continue to record as a ride.
4 - after about 30k the ride ended anyway as I got 2 punctures :( but Garmin Connect shows this as an indoor ride with obviously no map.
Is there something wrong with this route? Is it too long for Edge Explore? What does adding points mean? Has anyone seen this kind of weird behaviour before and knows how to fix it?