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Bluetooth connection problems after FW 9.00

Just to mention the huge difficulties to re-pair my Edge Explore 820 to iPhone 7 after the new FW update 9.00.
I tried to delete device from iPhone, delete iPhone from the device, re-pair, reset device, reset iPhone, ... and I get it connected to the iPhone easily, BUT in Garmin Connect Mobile (versión 4.6), it keeps on showing the message "attention is needed" under the device name, like if a last step of the process was missing.
I have read also pairing difficulties in other Edge forums linked to this new FW update (9.00).
I tried to download again the Garmin Connect Mobile App, but it does not solve the problem. I can pair other Garmin devices with no issue.
If anyone experienced the same or knows any solution, would be appreciated.
  • any news from Garmin on when the issue with FW 9.00 and iPhones will be resolved
  • Don't expect an answer from Garmin anytime soon. It took them 6 months to solve the screen changing on its own if you drip sweat on it. Garmin support is useless, they don't test their updates and always try to blame someone else for their shortcomings. Garmin seriously needs to get their act together!!!
  • I agree with Warren.
    Barry, my recomendation is that you rather get back to 8.70 and time will eventually bring a solution.
  • Hey, anybody actually managed to get the downgrade working?
    Everything just fine until i unplug the device from my macbook. According to the steps it should start installing the 8.70 version but nothing happens in my case.

    I did restart the device etc but it still is on the 9.00 version
  • Please reach out to our support team for help if you are unable to get the device to connect to your phone. We are working on getting this issue resolved and specific details from those of you who are having trouble pairing will help.
  • Excellent, that works a treat. Many thanks
  • Will the support team assist with removing 9.0 and installing 8.7?
  • Hey, anybody actually managed to get the downgrade working?
    Everything just fine until i unplug the device from my macbook. According to the steps it should start installing the 8.70 version but nothing happens in my case.

    I did restart the device etc but it still is on the 9.00 version

    Yes, I believe it prompted/asked me if I was sure that I wanted to downgrade after dropping the renamed GUPDATE.GCD file and unplugging the Edge from the computer. After selecting yes it goes back through the basic setup.
  • Shock and awe ... I tried again and managed to get it to work (i.e. Edge Explore 820 FW.9.0 pair with IPhone 6S IOS 11.3.1).

    This is what I did

    1. Delete phone pairing from Edge Explore 820
    2. Forget Edge from IPhone
    3. Delete Garmin Connect App from IPhone
    4. Download and reinstall Garmin Connect App but do not restart
    5. Turn off Edge
    6. Turn off IPhone (proper hold Home button to turn off, and then restart)
    7. Open Garmin Connect App, and go to setup device wizard
    8. Start setup for new Edge Explore 820 ... get to the new Select Accessories popup window (which will be empty and no options showing)
    9. Switch to IPhone bluetooth settings
    10. Start Phone pairing in Edge
    11. In IPhone bluetooth settings select BT Edge Explore 820 new device and pair, accept on both it and Edge
    12. Switch back into Garmin Connect App and wait ... eventually Edge Expore 820 appears in Select Accessories popup window ... select it
    13. Magic ... it completed pairing and then synced ... Edge also beeps that it's paired with phone etc etc

    Sync and contacts and etc all seem to be working normally now.

    Not sure which of the steps above is the magic one ... I wonder if it's the IPhone restart ...

    Now to see if the pairing is remembered ...

  • This is what I did

    This worked for me, thanks!

    It failed on the first attempt but I was lazy and didn't uninstall/reinstall Connect on that attempt. It nearly worked but after step 12 gave me