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Head Unit now has solid bar post Firmware update.

This morning connected my Garmin Edge 820 to pc and Garmin express to upload firmware update, as been a while. I went to disconnect and noticed I now have a solid bar running left to right at bottom of screen. I do have pic's. I now regret updating head unit. It still works just annoying and does obscures some info.  

  • Last firmware release (12.70) was over three years ago so most all 820 users have been on it for a long time.  This is not a problem I've heard of so it's very unlikely to be related to the new firmware.  If it were mine, I'd try a factory reset and see if that resolves it.  Could also be a hardware problem. 

  • Is this a new unit as I'm also surprise that you received an update. The only update that I think you would have received is an update of the Time zone map, which would not affect the unit this way.