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Map problem only showing main roads not any minor roads or tracks.

My 820 has been working fine until the last update but now the map doesn’t show the minor roads. It tracks the ride and will download saved courses. I have done a factory reset but still doesn’t show the minor details. Has anyone had similar problems? Can maps be reinstalled?

  • I would suggest using Garmin Express and re-install the maps for your region.

  • It looks like you are seeing the “basemap” (which doesn’t have detail like minor roads).

    It could be that you detailed map is disabled. Edit the profile: Navigation > Maps (I think).

    Or it might need to be reinstalled. In any case, it’s some sort of map issue.

    Recording the ride or even downloading courses has nothing to do with maps.

    You do need a detailed map to get “turn guidance” (the big white arrows).