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Garmin Edge 820 touchscreen misaligned and inverted after 12.70 update

After updating to version 12.70, the screen started to behave erratically, even after a factory reset. After some tests I found that the screen is shifted down and to the left, in addition to being mirrored vertically.

I tried all possible procedures on the internet, including several resets. The strangest thing is that the unit no longer recognizes the GUPDATE.GCD file, which prevents me from doing a version downgrade. I've tried deleting all the files, changing the GarminDevice.xml, but it seems the ROM rebuilds everything every boot.

During the update to version 12.70, I saw on the screen that some touchscreen related files were updated. Before the update, the device worked normally.

I don't know what else to do, given that the unit is stuck in the language setting screen, and I can't click the OK button. I even tried connecting a mouse and keyboard to usb with an adapter, but to no avail (desperate attempt, zero chance of success).

My last few attempts have been around looking for some service software that would allow changing settings or writing firmware manually. The service menu (accessed when turning on the device with the "Start/Stop" button pressed) shows several things, but does not allow you to do anything.

  • Wow.  That's way more wack than I've ever heard of.  You might have tried this already, but you could format (not quick) the drive after deleting all the files and folders. It'll rebuild the file folders and repopulate the default files when booting up.

  • This is something I haven't tried yet. I don't understand what would change in rebuilding the file system with a full format, but... I'm already appealing to anything. Understanding the mechanism has become a luxury.. lol. Formatting in progress right now... and it's going to take a very, very long time

  • Unfortunately... it didn't work out. Nothing has changed, not even with the recognition of the GUPDATE.GCD file.

    About that last question, I suspect that the unit doesn't read the file because it hasn't gone through the initial configuration yet. Does anyone know if this is expected behavior?

    Considering this, the only way to do a version downgrade would be going through the initial setup (which is impossible without touch) or forcing the unit to ignore this wizard, or even changing the internal configuration with the data requested in this wizard so that the unit don't go through it.

  • How long have you had this device? I'm surprised that you are only now updating to 12.70 as it was distributed some years ago if I recall correctly.

  • You're right. It's a strange thing. But the explanation is simple: it is a unit that has not been used for some time. It wasn't mine, so I don't know its history.

    I'd like to hear how people who had the same problem at the "correct" time solved the issue. With other reports I've seen on the forums, I'm hoping someone managed to resolve it somehow.

    A technical assistance service in the region suggested replacing the screen, but it doesn't seem to make sense to me. Sounds like a software issue, not a hardware one, but I may be being simplistic.

  • I updated mine when 12.70 became available and, like most people, had no issues. It just worked.

  • How nice to know that! But unfortunately it's not my case, or some I encountered at the time or after that. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  • Bummer formatting didn't help.  I waited well over a year before updating to 12.7. The update proceeded normally, and the 820 worked afterwards. I can't think of anything else to try.   If I got to the point of complete desperation, I might try opening the unit, disconnecting the battery for a while, then reconnecting it.  There are youtubes that show how to replace the battery so that would be a good reference.

  • Consulting the forums I saw that this update caused quite a problem. I had access to this unit only recently and when the notification appeared, I didn't even think about it. I've owned several other Garmins, and this has never been an issue.

    As a strategy to attack the problem, I divided the actions into before and after opening the unit. So I'm trying to exhaust every possibility of what I can do before opening. As an example of a physical action (without opening it), I placed the Edge on the heated table of my 3d printer as a way of heating everything up and (perhaps!) interfering in some bad contact, even doubting that this was a cause, considering how the problem with the screen appeared.

    But in fact, the list is coming to an end.. lol. Perhaps disconnecting the battery is among the first tests on the list, before or after checking connectors. Thanks for another test idea.

    I can't deny that I'm even having fun with this hunt, but I really wanted to know how the people who went through it solved it. Did they send it to Garmin? Did they send it to the local technical assistance service? Did they give up? Or did they have an insight and get their hands dirty?

  • Hi mmxavier,

    in 2017 I had a problem with my 820 touch. This was before 12.7. However Garmin sent me a file of Touch screen software. I had to do the following:-

    Please find attached a touchscreen file for you device:

    1. Plug device into computer
    2. Open device as a drive
    3. Open the Garmin Folder
    4. Remote Sw Folder
    5. Unzip the 006B255000.gcd folder attached and drop the .gcd file into the remotesw folder
    6. Disconnect the Edge from the computer and then this should go through a touchscreen update again.

    My point is there is different Software for the touch screen, independent of the main device software. Perhaps you need this software.

