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Been 2+ months, 11.2 riddled with issues, update coming soon!?

tons of issues with the 11.2 release, I can confirm a few off hand...

  • total ascent on a ride is way too low
  • eTap loses connectivity, or doesn’t even connect
  • real time grade is off or non-existent 
  • Navigation issues

how does one downgrade to 11.1?  Or can we get access to the beta release like other Garmin devices?

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago

    Get the beta here, all explained by Garmin ... Edge 820 software version 11.11 Beta

    happy & safe biking

  • Thx Former Member!  I just downgraded to 11.10.  do you know if there are any betas > 11.20 Main Release?  Fenix 5 forum, post betas pretty regularly.  I dont mind being a "tester" and reporting issues back on beta versions, thats expected.  different story though when main releases still have loads of issues several years after product launch. 

    Thanks again for the link!

  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 5 years ago in reply to justinhhamilton

    Never seen many beta's for edge devices.

    Edge programming is not that difficult or they make less mistakes compared to the Fenix bunch.

    happy & safe biking

  • ... or they just don't care about their clients. Last mail from garmin programmer after sending them all information about bugs i was facing, on january 2nd was: "I know you’ve submitted multiple reports about segments and we have not done enough to solve them. Changes are brought in without robust testing and that is largely my fault. Though this likely won’t be solved for the upcoming release, we will work on improvements to the segment experience going forward.

    Sorry again,

    Edge Beta