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Corrupt Fit file

My son did his first road race ever yesterday and was using an Edge 820. I believe that his 820 crashed right after the race and as a result his .fit file seems to be corrupt. Is there anyone that can repair it for me?

I probably wouldn't care so much about this if this wasn't his first race ever.

On a side note, his 820 seems to be crashing a lot so I suppose I'll be calling Garmin support.
  • Not sure if corrupt or missing

    Edge 820 locked up on me while recording this weekend and had to be hard-reset. It looks like it ate about 30 miles of my recording in the process. Any way to get that back, or am I just out of luck?

    Here's the file:

  • hi qrohlf,

    Unfortunately that hard-reset has also deleted the data for that 30miles. Without that data, there is nothing that can be done.

    Only thing I can suggest is that if it happens again, look at updating to the latest firmware and probably the easier one, from the lock up location, save the file and start a new one as two individual files are easily joined together.

  • hi Mads,

    Give this file a try.

  • Could someone please repair this fit file, Thanks, Danny
  • hi DannerJoe,

    You had a small amount of corrupted data near the end of your swim and leading into T1 so the distance/time may not be quite correct.

    Give this file a try.


  • Hey kiwimtnbkr, thanks for the effort! But that is not my activity. I live in Kentucky USA and the file you attached is from Nice France.....could my file be that corrupt?

    Also, I use a garmin 820
  • Hi DannerJoe,

    Not too sure how I managed to do that BUT give this file a try.

  • Thanks again kiwimtnbiker! While that is a section of one of my rides, it is not the ride I did on Wednesday, August the 2nd. While saving my ride, like I always do, my Garmin apparently discarded the ride. I was able to recover the ride using "Recuva" but I could not get the "fit file repair" tool to work. I really do appreciate your efforts tho! Thank you for trying!
  • Hello,

    Could someone try a repair on this file? I accidentally discarded a ride on my EDGE 820, but managed to retrieve the FIT file using one of those undelete utilities. It seems like there's a bit of corruption though.


  • hi Tom,

    Well over 50% of your file was corrupted and unsalvageable.

    This file contains what I have been able to recover.
