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Corrupt Fit file

My son did his first road race ever yesterday and was using an Edge 820. I believe that his 820 crashed right after the race and as a result his .fit file seems to be corrupt. Is there anyone that can repair it for me?

I probably wouldn't care so much about this if this wasn't his first race ever.

On a side note, his 820 seems to be crashing a lot so I suppose I'll be calling Garmin support.
  • Hi All,

    I'm experiencing corrupt files on my Edge 820. Reading online and it does not seem that I am the only one that is experiencing this. Can the issue be fixed? I'm not so tech savvy so when things don't work as they should I'm then a little lost. It has happened now on 3 key rides.

    If there is anyone here kind enough to fix the broken files that would be amazing. If there is someone that can explain why this happens that would also be amazing.

    (I've tried upload the .fit files in the upload attachments but I can't seem to do that. Not sure how people are attaching their .fit files :confused: )


  • helle_f - get yourself a free Dropbox account, upload the files to there and then share the links in a reply to this post.

  • Yesterday I did a long ride, unfortunately the battery of my edge 820 nearly died... Now I cannot use the fit file from the ride... Please, help!

    Here is the link to the corrupt flt file

    Thanks in advance!
  • Try this - the repair tool did say there were errors it couldn't fix. If you want to improve battery life think about going down to Smart recording. Your FIT file is pretty huge, over 18k records. 1sec recording isn't really needed for accurate bike tracking. (also a tad concerned about your 240 max HR!!!)

  • Try this - the repair tool did say there were errors it couldn't fix. If you want to improve battery life think about going down to Smart recording. Your FIT file is pretty huge, over 18k records. 1sec recording isn't really needed for accurate bike tracking. (also a tad concerned about your 240 max HR!!!)


    Thanks, but unfortunately the link gives me "This link has been removed." and I cannot try it out.

    As for the max HR - it is an error from the sensor that I use. It happens sometimes - spikes of 240 HR which are incorrect.

    I'll consider switching to smart recording, though my unit is already 3 years old and I'm afraid it might be the battery. After all last year I had 6+ hours rides with the same settings and they were ok. Now if I go over the 3:30 - 4:00 h limit and usually I have to go in battery save mode... Though it has been a bit cold lately

  • Hi all, can anyone please help me with this corrupt fit file? Thank you!
  • Andrey.G - the link has expired. Re-upload the file and share the link and I will take a look at it.

    Also, stay with 1 sec recording. I have fixed files that have 3 times the number of records as yours and haven't had an issue.

  • Tomarsch - give this file a try.

  • yoniklein - give this file a try.

  • yoniklein - give this file a try.


    Thanks so much!