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Auto Calibrate Elevation to Location? Baro Altimeter?

Here's another one:

On my Edge 800 it is possible to have the Elevation Auto Calibrate to my starting location. I saved the location, and every time I start a ride from that location I get the pop-up that says the Elevation has Auto Calibrated to that location.

I can not find the same feature on my Edge 820. As a workaround, before starting a ride I go to Navigation>Adjust Elevation and set the elevation immediately before a ride. It is a bit cumbersome, and doeasn't seem to do as good a job as the 800 in managing Elevation over the course of the ride.

The 800 has a barometric Altimeter which means it does not take all the Elevation data from GPS. This has proven very reliable.

The specs for the 820 say it also has a barometric Altimeter, but the recorded Elevation data look like all the data points come from GPS.

Does the 820 indeed have a barometric Altimeter?

TIA for any help.
  • Idem pour moi même problème.

    Same problem in Italy
    I calibrate to my quote, I stay in the same position, and in ten minutes the 820 Expolre (new) goes to 35/40m below

    every trip on my bike is under the level of the sea :mad:

    How to say that to Garmin?

    Sorry for my english :)

  • Same problem in Italy
    I calibrate to my quote, I stay in the same position, and in ten minutes the 820 Expolre (new) goes to 35/40m below

    every trip on my bike is under the level of the sea :mad:

    How to say that to Garmin?

    Sorry for my english :)


    Same problem for me .

    The Garmin quote is less than 45/50 meters than actual

    I hope that will solve the problem quickly , it is very annoying.

  • Same problem for me .

    The Garmin quote is less than 45/50 meters than actual

    I hope that will solve the problem quickly , it is very annoying.


    The same problem also on my Edge. The Garmin quote is more than 60 meters under than actual Elevation.

    really annoying

  • We have escalated the elevation issue to our engineering teams and are investigating the cause. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • We have escalated the elevation issue to our engineering teams and are investigating the cause. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    I am curious how things work in software development at Garmin. I work in the software industry and we try and re-use code never starting from scratch. However it seems that Garmin almost starts from scratch each time. For instance why does something like the elevation issue arise in a device after all these years. This offset problem that everyone is seeing is not a problem on my old 500 or 510 or anyone I know of for that matter with 800, 810, 1000 etc. Wouldn't they just reuse this bit. They obviously haven't as this bug came out of nowhere. Mystifying really. i could go and site other examples with all the problems people are getting. I just don't understand how the QC is so bad at this company. As soon as someone like Apple makes a dedicated device for this market Garmin will be toast. Unfortunately up to now the Wahoo's etc have devices that miss the mark in basic areas allowing Garmin to continue on in the typical way...
  • Elevation Issue

    I am curious how things work in software development at Garmin. I work in the software industry and we try and re-use code never starting from scratch. However it seems that Garmin almost starts from scratch each time. For instance why does something like the elevation issue arise in a device after all these years. This offset problem that everyone is seeing is not a problem on my old 500 or 510 or anyone I know of for that matter with 800, 810, 1000 etc. Wouldn't they just reuse this bit. They obviously haven't as this bug came out of nowhere. Mystifying really. i could go and site other examples with all the problems people are getting. I just don't understand how the QC is so bad at this company. As soon as someone like Apple makes a dedicated device for this market Garmin will be toast. Unfortunately up to now the Wahoo's etc have devices that miss the mark in basic areas allowing Garmin to continue on in the typical way...

    I totally agree to this. Such an Issue, after all those years of improving your code... incredible. I would expect they have a library of working and prooved funktionalities like HR, Distance, GPS Functionalities and so on, which are herited to the next generation of devices. Obviously not here. And also... what about Quality Control? Nobody realized this issue? Or do they have different hardware specs at the end?
  • Just out of interest I've just turned on my 820, 810 & my daughter's 510, the 810 is displaying 66m elevation, the 510, 60m & the 820 13m.
    This is my second 820, replaced by Garmin last week so that they could "investigate".

    I know that as soon as I press Start on the 810 it will correct the elevation to 80m, I just want the 820 to do the same, how difficult can it be?
  • I totally agree to this. Such an Issue, after all those years of improving your code... incredible. I would expect they have a library of working and prooved funktionalities like HR, Distance, GPS Functionalities and so on, which are herited to the next generation of devices. Obviously not here. And also... what about Quality Control? Nobody realized this issue? Or do they have different hardware specs at the end?

    Considering where Garmin's headquarters are, I'm not that surprised that the continually get altimeter's wrong. But you'd think they could send someone to the Rockies on occasion to check things out.
  • What else has been escalated to engineering?

    We have escalated the elevation issue to our engineering teams and are investigating the cause. We apologize for the inconvenience.

    Dear Garmin,

    Before I start raising support requests for things you already know about - what else has already been escalated to engineering please?
    - the elevation problem
    - the Bluetooth problem?
    - the Wi-Fi problem?
    - the touchscreen sensitivity problem?

  • My device has the same problem, consistently showing an elevation that is about 60m too low. While the error is more or less consistent in my home area with hills being usually up to 300m above my starting point, the error drifted dramatically both ways when riding in the alps over the weekend.
    Having read the whole thread leads me to believe that turning in my hardware won't fix my problems, so I second the request for a software fix.