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how to FACTORY reset and totally wipe all data and restore back to out of box!

Hi guys brand new to the Garmin line and the edge 520 brand new to riding!

I have linked my Garmin connect and strava together i had some issues but seem to have gotten it sorted for now ill explain later what happened.

I want to totally wipe and restore the unit i have done menu > settings > sysyem > device reset> factory reset >ok but it still stores segments and history etc how can i totaly wipe my unit i want to start totally fresh?

What happens if i accidentally delete or change a file on the garmin but accident ie the basemap?

I got a different base map but when i tried to use it my garmin kept turning off by it self so i just deleted and put back the old garmin base map anybody else had this issue?

Also is there a way to re calibrate the speed sensor and edge 520 or does it continually do it automatically ? what happens if i take the speed sensor of and attach it to a different bike?

I cant find any weather information anywhere on the unit i am in Australia is that why maybe?

So far after connecting garmin and strava and starring all my segments it all synced well and i did a few small test rides and it synced and uploaded to strava etc no issues, today i went for a hour ride. It all went well i uploaded my ride to my iphone and the it uploaded to strava worked well! i then got home and changed some of the segments on starva ready for my next ride when i tried to synch my garmin to either my phone (it kept saying sync failed) so i tried syncing with my pc and it kept saying please log in and authenticate. i tried everything i ended up fixing it by doing a factory reset and unlinking my strava and garmin connect then reconnected them and its all fine for the moment. Any one else have the same issues?

Thanks guys sorry if some doesnt make sense any help would be appreciated!
  • Hi guys brand new to the Garmin line and the edge 520 brand new to riding!

    I have linked my Garmin connect and strava together i had some issues but seem to have gotten it sorted for now ill explain later what happened.

    I want to totally wipe and restore the unit i have done menu > settings > sysyem > device reset> factory reset >ok but it still stores segments and history etc how can i totaly wipe my unit i want to start totally fresh?

    What happens if i accidentally delete or change a file on the garmin but accident ie the basemap?

    I got a different base map but when i tried to use it my garmin kept turning off by it self so i just deleted and put back the old garmin base map anybody else had this issue?

    Also is there a way to re calibrate the speed sensor and edge 520 or does it continually do it automatically ? what happens if i take the speed sensor of and attach it to a different bike?

    I cant find any weather information anywhere on the unit i am in Australia is that why maybe?

    So far after connecting garmin and strava and starring all my segments it all synced well and i did a few small test rides and it synced and uploaded to strava etc no issues, today i went for a hour ride. It all went well i uploaded my ride to my iphone and the it uploaded to strava worked well! i then got home and changed some of the segments on starva ready for my next ride when i tried to synch my garmin to either my phone (it kept saying sync failed) so i tried syncing with my pc and it kept saying please log in and authenticate. i tried everything i ended up fixing it by doing a factory reset and unlinking my strava and garmin connect then reconnected them and its all fine for the moment. Any one else have the same issues?

    Thanks guys sorry if some doesnt make sense any help would be appreciated!

    'm not in front of my device at the moment, but...
    I made a full copy of the software before I changed the maps. Just in case. the base map is 50mb, or something, so not an easy thing to post.

    I found the weather yesterday, on the pause screen anyways. I was stuck waiting for a train, paused the device. Near the bottom (scroll I think a bit) there is weather, you hit enter on it, and I had hourly data and so on. I assume you have it linked to your phone, yes? (It needs to be for weather, iirc)
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    Any ideas about the weather its not there in the status page and my edge is connected to garmin connect with bluetooth on my iphone 6 plus.

    i worked out how to re calibrate the speed sensor just disconnect and then re connect