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Strava Segments PR not updating during activity

I found when riding a Strava segment more than once and getting a PR on one of the attempts during the same activity, the PR does not update.

During the next attempt after the Edge said it was a PR the Virtual Partner is still using the original PR time and not the new time. This seems to be a bug, I would assume that the segment would at least reflect the new time on the next attempt until it has re-synced after the activity is saved (since it is not real-time syncing while connected to my phone).

Here is the Strava Activity:

And here is the Garmin Activity:

I've also noticed a bit of an annoyance with overlapping Strava Segments... Only the first started segment is displayed, even after it finishes, the one that it overlapped is not displayed.

  • Correct. A segment will only update once Strava has verified it. Strava is the judge and jury on whether you have bettered your time. So the activity needs to synced with Strava and for Strava to update the leaderboard and send that back to the Edge before you get a new PR time showing.

    Any segment that has a start point that is passed while another segment is active will not get triggered.
  • If there won't be any live syncing as segments are completed, shouldn't there at least be some form of an option or to re-run the same segment with the new virtual partner targets?... Or a notification similar to the one displayed that already said it was a PR?

    I have also noticed... That on today's ride... It was still showing the same PR time as it did last week. So even after the segment was completed, and I've done a few syncs since then, the PR time did not update (this is a "favorite" segment).

    Here is the segment:

    The leaderboard has my PR at 10:06, and the Edge is still saying 10:19. The 10:19 PR was set on July 7th Recorded with a Fenix3... The 10:06 was set on Aug 26th (the ride in question too) recorded on the Edge 520. Both devices have updated a couple times (auto uploading via Bluetooth, both to the same phone) and both have auto synced back to Strava via the connected sync between Garmin Connect and Strava.

    So either way... There is still an issue with the segment not updating on the Edge 520.

    Though I disagree with displaying a notification of a PR then saying Stava is the end-all. Then this notification is very misleading if its not going to actually reflect the activity. A brownie point notification of a PR... Then the next effort doesn't reflect that previous effort... I understand there is delay in the syncing and that all Stava segment results aren't final during an activity until uploaded. But in the case of racing your own Virtual Partner that is reflecting your previously synced (when working) PR should update regardless of Strava... My PR is my PR... If Stava doesn't agree... Then update the Virtual Partner on the next attempt after syncing. Running TT sections or laps against the clock with the clock always showing the wrong time isn't beneficial.

  • Have you set time GPS record every 1s?, remember Strava always need it to achieve segments. By default comes in Inteligent mode.
  • Yes it is set to 1s recording interval.

    Strava shows my new PR time set on Aug 26th, but the Edge after a couple of rides and syncs (via Bluetooth) still shows the PR time from July 7th.

    And in either case, I think it should be showing assumed PR times even during an activity until it resyncs with Strava to encourage pushing harder (well when that's your goal).
