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New Edge 520plus user, list of questions and howtos? :)

Hi guys,

I recently purchased a Garmin Edge 520 Plus (I retired my Edge 810). I am more than happy with the purchase, however I have still some questions and thoughts regarding the new unit. I am obviously after reading the user manual and some parts of Google results, however I'm hoping to get some answers here :-)
Ah, I use FW v.4.0.0 and GCM in the most recent version for iPhone.
  • Changing settings during a ride.
    • Is it possible to quickly change Auto Scroll feature during a ride? I don't see this option while clicking "Enter" button. The only known solution to me is switch back to the main screen and go to the Menu -> Settings -> System etc. This is x10 clicks in total! This would be super useful to have a shortcut for this as for casual ride I like the auto scroll to see all informations, but for specific workouts/segments I would love to be sticked to a specific screen. I guess there is no such an option? If so, is there any known workaround and how to request the feature?
    • Same as above for Tones, it was previously reachable from the Brightness screen in Edge810, can't find it now.

  • Edge 520 Plus uses a sensor pooling. What impact does it have for battery? Shall I disable unused sensors during a specific ride?
  • Smart Notifications. Why some well-known social medias such as Instagram are categorised by "Other"? iPhone groups it into Social Media apps but not Garmin. I like to get calendar reminders etc. which are grouped by "Others" but don't want to mix it with social media content.
  • How to add/edit Quick Reply for phone calls/text messages? I found information that probably this feature is not supported on iPhone?
  • Sometimes after few minutes of ride I get notification about my performance. What is it, how is it calculated and how can I see it after the ride?
  • My Personal Bests were not synced after linking the device with my Garmin's account. I needed to edit them manually in Garmin Connect and the sync. It's a bug here for sure.
  • How to set a Timer Start Mode in Prompted mode to notify me repeatedly? Not only once? It was available on Edge 810.
  • Why different data fields from ConnectIQ requires to set FTP etc. manually. Is it not possible to get actual information from a device itself?
  • Are Calendar (Garmin Connect) or Training Calendar (Edge) have any feature to mark scheduled workout as completed? Or it's purpose is only for reminding? After finishing a scheduled workout, I can see 2 entries in calendar then: scheduled workout (as so far) and new activity (not associated in anyway with the scheduled workout).
  • Is it possible to view notes for a specific workout/steps via device or it's only available via Garmin Connect?
  • What is a story behind Recovery Advisor?
  • What is a story behind Stress Score and how it's related to the TSS?
  • Is it possible to disable "full screen" alerts? On Edge 810, alerts were displayed similar to notifications in 1/4 of bottom of the screen, similar to phone notifications now. Is there any chance to see it in similar way? I don't see any usability of the full screen alerts as you cannot verify other metrics in the same time. Fortunately, there is a toggle for Workout Target Alerts which is the most helpful feature for the whole Alerts idea now, just to disable it ;-)
  • I use my own FTP workout (with Workout Target Alerts disabled obviously). However there is also the Garmin's FTP test in MyStats -> FTP -> FTP Test. Anyone can confirm there is no this full screen alerts while using this feature? :)
  • History charts. I have some confusions here. On GCM I can see Health Stats (weight, calories, calories in/out) and Performance Stats (VO2Max, FTP). They seem to show good values, however for FTP history I have more points than I should have. Lets say on 1st January my FTP was 300W, then I did another test 15th of January and got 320W. Between these dates I have many other data points with the 300W, and after 15th with the 320W. A resolution of the x-axis is too small but I believe each point is my recorded activity, so Garmin used the last used value for FTP, am I correct? Enable Auto Calculation is disabled.
  • I have multiple confusions regarding priority of syncing settings. It's possible to edit user settings (such as training zones etc) from a device, GCM and Garmin Connect website (synced via Garmin Express). What is the best workflow to keep the settings up-to-date? E.g. I set my resting HR at least 3 times so far, and after a while the value is erased and not set. I believe something override the settings.

    For HR Zones, this is what is set on my device: Maximum: set, Auto Detect Max (on, probably should be off), Auto Detect LTHR (on), Resting (unset!), LT (unset, shouldn't be set due to Auto Detect LTHR?), Based On % Max.
    I can't find this settings on GCM, I only see information that I use global settings, not cycling zones and this is the reason. Why I can't see the global zones then?
    On Garmin Connect website under Device Settings I see: Based On % Max., Resting (unset), LT (unset), Maximum: set (the same as on the device).

    In my understanding, Garmin Express overrides settings and it has the highest priority. For some reasons data on the website doesn't update once I edited them on the device itself. So, how to deal with the settings to no have unexpected desynchronisation? :)
  • Is VO2Max estimation would work if I set Cycling VO2Max in User Settings manually? Or I have to remove the data? What is accuracy of the estimation?
  • How to export a Weight history?
  • Can I have multiple FTP settings for different bikes or rather Profile Activities?
  • Coffee Break ;-)

Pretty long list, I am sorry. This is all questions I have had since I bought the device 2 months ago.
I'm really looking forward to get some answers as this is all things that I struggle since Day 1 ;-)

All the best,
  • Congratulations on your Garmin Edge 520 Plus! Here are some brief answers to your questions:

    Changing Auto Scroll: Unfortunately, there's no shortcut during a ride. You'll have to go through the menu.

    Tones settings: The Edge 520 Plus doesn't have the Tones option like the Edge 810.

    Sensor pooling and battery: Disable unused sensors to save battery.

    Smart Notifications: Instagram may be categorized as "Other" on Garmin, no direct solution.

    Quick Reply: Not supported on iPhone.

    Performance notifications: Feedback on your current performance level on comprar seguidores.

    Syncing Personal Bests: Manual editing in Garmin Connect is a workaround.

    Timer Start Mode: Not available on the Edge 520 Plus.

    ConnectIQ data fields: Manual input required for accurate information.

    Calendar and workout completion: No marking as completed, shows both scheduled and new activities.

    Viewing workout notes: Only available in Garmin Connect.

    Recovery Advisor: Estimates time needed to recover from a workout.

    Stress Score and TSS: Metrics to evaluate training load and physiological impact.

    Disabling "full screen" alerts: Not possible on the Edge 520 Plus.

    Garmin FTP test and alerts: No "full screen" alerts during the FTP test.

    History charts and FTP data points: Garmin Connect might use the last value until a new test or update is performed.

    Syncing settings and desynchronization: Use a consistent workflow and reliable syncing method.

    VO2Max estimation and manual input: Remove manual input for device's estimation.

    Exporting Weight history: Export option available on the Garmin Connect website.

    Multiple FTP settings: Not supported on the Edge 520 Plus.