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GPS Track Recorded During Indoor Trainer Ride


I am following a Garmin Connect Mobile Workout on my Edge 520 Plus paired With a Kickr Snap smart trainer. I use the built in Indoor activity profile and I have checked and it has the setting for GPS -> Off. But when the activity is completed and upload to Garmin Connect Mobile (and sync'ed to Strava from Garmin Connect), it has a GPS track basically showing a spot with some wobbles around it, centered at my home location. The Activity Type is marked correct as "Indoor Cycling" in GCM but in Strava I have to go edit the activity and add teh "Indoor Cycling" tag to get the map to to be removed. There appears to be no edit option in Garmin Connect itself to turn off the map. Is this a known bug? Why am I getting a GPS track in an Indoor profile with GPS off. It is not clear to me whether the track is being recorded by the Edge 520 plus or maybe added by Garmin Connect Mobile (on iOS) after uploading. In either case it is obviously not valid.

I would appreciate it if someone else who has experienced this could share this experience, or if I could get feedback from people who have this working correctly.

  • Check that the GPS is switched off under the Indoor profile settings. It should be disabled, but might have gotten enabled.
  • Thanks, I have already checked that and it is marked Off under the Indoor profile. I am sure I am picking the right profile because the resulting Activity Type in GCM is "Indoor Cycling" .
  • It might be worth enabling and then disabling the GPS under the Indoor profile just to make sure what is cached in memory matches what the UI is reporting. When you are on the home page with the indoor profile active does the GPS icon at the top of the page have a red line through it?
  • Through trial and error I found that if I switch the default profile to Indoor before starting the Indoor Trainer workout, only then does the GPS stay off. This sounds like a bug because even if the default profile is Race with GPS on, selecting Menu->Training->Indoor Trainer->Follow Workout asks you to select a profile before starting the workout and I choose Indoor. Apparently that is not enough to turn off GPS if you don't switch to Indoor as the default before following the workout. Well at least now I have a workaround.
  • I was able to duplicate the issue you were seeing and raised a ticket with Garmin on it.