I completed a ride today and my Edge 25 states the Total Ascent is 432m. But when I save the ride as a course the course says the Total Ascent is 622m. Why the difference and which is correct?
I completed a ride today and my Edge 25 states the Total Ascent is 432m. But when I save the ride as a course the course says the Total Ascent is 622m. Why the difference and which is correct?
I suspect that is because Garmin Connect is configured to apply elevation correction using map data for this unit. I don't think the Edge 25 has a barometric sensor and is using GPS for elevation data. The default behavior in Garmin Connect for units that use GPS for elevation is to replace the elevation date from the DEM maps on the server. There should be a way in Garmin Connect to switch it to use the data from the unit.
Thanks for the clarification. Much appreciated.