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Edge 130 Cold Weather Performance

Today’s ride was cold - around 11 F (-12 C). My Edge 130 worked fine for the first 30 minutes and then started automatically shutting down. I could restart it (once I noticed it had shut down), and when it restarted it knew I was still in the middle of a ride, but no data was saved between shutting down and restarting. Once restarted it would collect data for a minute or so before shutting down again. After futzing with it a number of times I gave up and resorted to the Strava app on my phone which worked fine (phone was in my inside coat pocket).

Garmin’s specs list the temp range of the 130 to be -4F to 140F (, so I would expect it to work normally at the temp of today’s ride. I suppose I could ride with it in my pocket to stay warm, but that shouldn’t be necessary given Garmin’s temp specs.

Has as anyone experienced anything similar on your device? Is there anything I can do to avoid this happening again?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
  • Hi all,

    It would be interesting to test the the 3.00 Firmware in cold weather area...

    I went for a ride yesterday (between 2°C and 4°C). After 2.35 ride, I had only 1 bar left… (I am using No sensors, GPS+GALILEO, iPhone connection, light 10sec)

    This is not acceptable. In October (with 3.00 @ 10-15°C), I was able to ride 10+h and I still had 1 or 2 bars left at the end.

  • I also realized, that with 3.30FW the battery performance is very bad. :-(
    I started with full battery, temp was about 0 Celsius, and after 1 hour ride, 2 bars drained from 5.
    Only GPS (NO Galileo), with 1 combo (spd/cad) sensor attached.
    No live tracking, no BT connection wiht the phone.
  • I only updated to FW3.20, then by mistake immediately to FW3.30 last weekend. Temperatures here are also between 0 and +5C. I could use my Edge upto 9 hours before and now after 4 hours I have only one battery bar left. The next day morning it showed again 3 bars. Is it just the battery indicator showing the wrong level and can it run for another 5 more hours. So far I did not take the risk to try and use it until the battery dies, maybe I have to do this I can take my Oregon 700 as a backup.
  • I got the impression they made battery life worse again with 3.20. For some weeks we have temperatures around 0 °C around here. Even the runtime isn't any good overall - as we all know - I didn't had any issue for my usual turn around 2,5 - 5 hours.
    After I had installed 3.20 (which I can't prevent as I need GC up and running) I did a 4 hours run at around 0 °C. The 130 was fully loaded. It switched off itself after 3:50 hours. Daylight,, NO backlight.
  • My theory on this is that Garmin are having quality problems with its battery suppliers. Batteries are well known to perform less well at lower temperatures (as anybody with an older car will tell you) but if Garmin has sourced from a cheap supplier or dud batch then the problems are likely to be worse. Newer software that demands more power will aggravate this but not be the underlying problem.
    On my Garmin 645 Music, I also had a dud battery (giving less than 2 days). I can also see this is a common problem from the forums. To Garmin's credit, they replaced it and now it's 5-6 days as advertised. It's not impossible though that dud batteries across multiple unit types are causing similar problems.
  • I agree that Batteries are well known to perform less well at lower temperatures but beside this, the upgrade to FW 3.20 has definitely impacted the run-time.
  • So my 130 powered off after 4 hours 31 minutes. That is exactly half of the 9 hours I had with FW3.00.
    I am using gps+glonass and have speed and cadence sensors connected and I have always livetrack running. Temperature outside is currently +1C.
  • I am not convinced the poor battery life is related to cold weather. When on 3.0 I rode in cold weather and had no battery life issues. I only ran into the problem after upgrading to 3.2. There is a problem with the latest firmware.

    The battery issue impacts all users in a large negative way. If Garmin cannot get the fix out quickly they should recall 3.2/3.3 and allow users to go back to 3.0, until they get a fix.

    By searching the internet I know there are trick you can do to revert to older firmware, however since the Garmin Edge automatically updates it would override the roll-back eventually.

    I was really satisfied with 3.0.
  • I agree, I think it’s something to do with the firmware. In cold weather on 3.0 I would easily get 10 - 12 hrs using gps, speed sensor and Varia rtl 510 radar. With 3.2 and now 3.3 I’m lucky to get 8 hrs. I find the battery level indicator erratic too in the number of bars displayed.
  • Does anybody know an option to rollback to 3.00 and block update without further notice AND have GC running?